The Executive Chairman of EdoState Internal Revenue Service, Chief Sir Oseni Elamah was among other distinguished personalities conferred with the prestigious excellence award of fellow of the Institute of Professional Financial Consultants of Nigeria (IPFC) during the official launch/award ceremony of the institute weekend.

Speaking at the occasion, which took place at the Banquet Hall of the University of Benin, the institute’s vice president, Godwin Evbagharu, who stood in for the President, Maj. Gen. AI Muriana, said the award was in recognition of his sterling performance in the financial system.

Evbagharu said that the institute seeks to provide a platform for those involved in financial management system that will enable them engage in the critical task of organizational growth geared towards nation building.

He described the institute as a body of financial planners, analysts, managers/advisers as well as investment managers and open to those interested to make a career in finance.

He stated further that the institute which was established as a professional body under the Companies Act of 1990 was aimed at ensuring the highest professional standards; keeping abreast with new regulations/policies as it affects the industry; monitoring the economy with a view to determining its effects on earnings, training and retraining of members towards acquiring professional skills.

While noting that the IPFC was dedicated towards promoting/improving the quality of financial policy decision, Evbagharuhowever, maintained the institute is focused towards manpower development and training of members with a view to enhancing their skills and effectiveness in their various workplace.

The Board’s Secretary of the Edo State Internal Revenue Service, Mrs. Vera Obadan who represented Chief Elamah said that on assumption of office, the revenue profile of Edo State was on the low side.

She said, with the massive transformation of the state revenue system, the revenue profile was optimized, adding that due to the huge tax relief granted workers under the Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act (PITA) by the Federal Government, the state revenue profile dropped.

She thanked the institute for the honour done Chief Elamah and assured that the award would further spur him to do more.

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