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DEALER REGISTRATION - Edo State Internal Revenue Service





The Edo State Internal Revenue Service (EIRS) is automating the administration of Government Revenue Streams including Rates, Levies, Charges and taxes with a view to more efficiently assessing, notifying, collecting and accounting for citizens’ returns to government on economic activities. To this end, we are introducing the mobile collection systems to ease the interface between the Edo State Government and the informal sector both fixed location businesses and mobile operators.

The system will be used to collect rates, levies, charges and taxes from residents, business premises and operators of heavy goods vehicles, articulated trucks, buses, taxis, tricycles, motor cycles, etc. The associated revenues to be collected include:

  • Produce
  • Haulage
  • Log Control
  • Waste Management;
  • Presumptive Taxes; and
  • Any other collections as may be deemed appropriate and allowable by the applicable revenue and tax laws in Edo State.

The Dealership Structure

The EIRS will register two categories of dealers. The Dealers and the Sub-Dealers who will trade in the revenue scratch cards for profit.

The Dealer

The Dealer will be allowed to purchase the revenue scratch card from the EIRS at a discount and will make payment to the EIRS prior to card collection. The dealer may retail these cards through their retail structure or sell at an approved discount to the registered sub-dealers. All retail personnel of dealers must be duly registered as sub-dealers.

The Sub-Dealers

The sub-dealer will register with the EIRS and can purchase the revenue scratch card from the dealers at an approved price or discount.

The Tax Payer

The Tax Payer will be required to buy the scratch card for settlement of his/her obligation to the Edo State Government at the face value indicated on the card from a registered sub-dealer.

It will be an offence to sell or buy the scratch card for a price higher than that denominated on the card.


The EIRS will issue mobile revenue collection devices to all its field officers who shall be duly identified at all times while at work and with these devices, government revenue will be collected and reported electronically.


We consider our dealers as part of the EIRS Partner Team, and we treat them as such. The Edo state Revenue Scratch Card dealership will in addition to meeting the requirements of out mobile revenue solution architecture and environment but will in addition create significant value for the Government and people of Edo State by offering the following benefits include:

  1.  Convenient for the citizens

The mobile collection system will make citizens’ transaction experience convenient and pleasurable as the EIRS will go to them rather than expecting them to visit a bank.

      2.  Wealth Creation

The return on investment to the dealers and sub-dealers is assured as the tax payers’ increased level of compliance and government enforcement will provide the market off-take to complete the cash conversion cycle.

      3. Employment Creation

The dealership scheme will create thousands of jobs in the retail sales of the revenue scratch cards by recruiting and managing sub-dealers who will earn their income from the discount system on a daily basis.

     4. Financial Inclusion

The system will ensure the financial inclusion of the informal sector of the economy by recognising each tax payer and their contribution to the State’s internally generated revenue. These workers on wheel who previously could not obtain tax clearance documentation can now do so on demand.


All prospective dealers and sub-dealers are expected to possess all of the following requirements:

  1. The entity must be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as either a company or enterprise/business name;
  2. The registered Head Office of the Company or Enterprise must be in Edo State;
  3. The key promoters as indicated in the directors’ information with CAC must be resident in Edo State
  4. Other requirements, terms and conditions will be contained in the Dealership application form.

Click here to download application form.


Click here to fill application form online.



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