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Tax Offices - Edo State Internal Revenue Service

Tax Offices


Abudu Tax Office Orhionmwon Local Government Secretariate Premises
Afuze Tax Office Behind Owan East Secretariat
Auchi Tax Office Estasko West Local Govt Secretariat, Auchi
Aviele Tax Office Along Benin Auchi Express Road, Aviele.
Ebelle Tax Office Along Agbor Uromi Road,Benin City
Ehor Tax Office 7, Royal Avenue, Ehor
Ekpoma Tax Office Barrack Road,Ekpoma
Evbuomodu Tax Office 220, Benin Auchi Road,Benin City
Evbuotubu 1 Tax Office 151, Upper Owina Road, Evbuotubu Quarters
Evbuotubu 2 Tax Office Upper Ekenwan Road Ugbiyikho Quarters By Survey House Benin City.
Eyaen Tax Office Km 125 Benin Auchi Road By Zafik Hotel, Benin City
Fugar Tax Office Harmony Plaza, Fugar
GRA 1 Tax Office Former Union Bank Building Forestry Road, Benin City
GRA 2 Tax Office 18 Ihama Road GRA By Dx Driving School
GRA 3 Tax Office 66, Dido Plaza Oko Central Oko Central Road, Benin City
GRA 4 Tax Office Former Union Bank Building Forestry Road, Benin City.
GRA 5 Tax Office 168 Sapele Road, Benin City
GRA 6 Tax Office Sapele Road Opposite Badenbaden Hotel Benin City
GRA 8 Tax Office Ugbor Village After Ogunwenyi Juction Benin City
Ibillo Tax Office Lagos-Abuja Express Way Ilese Quarters, Ibillo
Ibiwe/Ugbague Former Union Bank Building Forestry Road, Benin City
Igarra Tax Office Along Secretariate Road, After Ministry Of Education, Igarra
Igueben Tax Office Secertariate Road, Opposite Igueben Main Market, Igueben.
Iguobazuwa  Tax Office Ovia South West Secretariate Premises
Ikpema/Eguadase Tax Office 16, Ewasede Lane, Off Agbado Street, 1st East Circular Road,Benin City
Irhinmwinri  Tax Office 125 St Saviour Road (Odaro Plaza) Benin City
Idogbo Tax Office 571, Upper Sakponba Road, Benin City
Irrua  Tax Office Ogboni Road By Momodu Road Junction Zuma Memorial College Road, Irrua
Iruekpen Tax Office

Abbe House Iruekpen, Esan West Local Government Area.

Isiohor Tax Office

Eddy Grace Filling Station Premises, Km 8 Benin Lagos Express Road, Isihor, Benin City.

Jattu Tax Office

Hope Clinic Junction Beside White House Agenebode Road Jattu.

New Benin 1 Tax Office Edo State Internal Revenue Head Quarters, 80, New Lagos Road, Benin City
New Benin 2 Tax Office Edo State Internal Revenue Head Quarters, 80, New Lagos Road, Benin City
Obe Tax Office

Sapele Road Opposite Badenbaden Hotel Benin City

Ofunwemgbe Tax Office New Road Okada Junction, Ofunwemgbe
Ogbelaka/Nelpenkpen Tax Office

EDPA Building, Sakponba Road

Ogbeson Tax Office

167,Along Benin Agbor Road,Benin City

Ogheghe 2 Tax Office

Km 15 Benin Sapele M&B Shopping Complex

Ogida 1 Tax Office

210 Siluko Road, Benin City

Ogida 2 Tax Office 349 Upper Siluko Road, Benin City
Okada Tax Office

102, Mission Road, Okada

Okhoro Tax Office

10, Okhoro Road, Benin City

Okpella Tax Office

Adjacent Jodek Filling Station, Iddo 11, Okpella

Oliha/Ukhegie Tax Office

30, Tv Road, Benin City

Ologbo Tax Office

Imasagbon Junction Along Benin Sapele Road,Benin City

Oluku Tax Office

Benin Lagos Express Road, Ovbiogie Befroe Emac Water

Oregbeni Tax Office

Nigeria Prisons Service Building, Ramat Park, Benin City

Otuo Tax Office Behinde Owan East Secretariate, Afuze
Sabogida-Ora Tax Office

Owan West Local Government Council Premises

Ubiaja Tax Office

21, Market Road, Eguare, Ubiaja

Ugbekun Tax Office 220, Upper Sakponba Road, Benin City
Ugo Tax Office

Orhionmwon Local Government Secretariate Premises

Ukhiri Tax Office

1, Idumwonyi Street By “Y ” Junction Idogbo Bye Pass.

Uromi Tax Office

72, New Agbor Road, Uromi

Urubi/Iwehen Tax Office

113 Lagos Street, Benin City

Uselu 1 Tax Office

190, Uselu Lagos Road, Benin City


207, Uselu Lagos Road,Benin City

Uwelu Tax Office Tax Office 19, Textile Mill Road, Benin City


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