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Edo state automation framework - Edo State Internal Revenue Service


The Overview

Edo State Automation Framework


Our Framework Statement

To ensure a promising position in internally generated revenue ranking by states, the Edo State Internal Revenue Service (EIRS) is taking steps at reference data management and automation of the entire revenue generation spectrum in Edo State. The goal of this project is to create a single taxpayer view across all revenue streams within the state.The building of systems and infrastructure that are cost effective and support efficient operations, whilst ensuring the cutting-edge application of technology and creative solutions in a framework that provides flexibility forms the care of the EIRS Revenue Automation project.

The solutions to be deployed by the EIRS are being developed around the peculiarities of the profile of each revenue stream will run a single revenue processing system with aggregation from a single data warehouse with payment settlements across all channels.

The EIRS solutions architecture provides for data capture and profiling, assessment, notification of assessment, exception management, collections and reporting.

This document summarises the Edo State Internal Revenue Service strategy for modernizing its

information technology systems as one of the foundations for the board’s management and operational excellence.

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80 New Lagos Road, Benin City, Edo State

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